Lycaon – Classical Corroborations Contra the Calumny of Clement of Alexandria Against Zeus

Urgh. I know I've said it before … but some of these early-ish Christian 'Against The Pagans' efforts really do rather annoy me. Why? Because they're often pretty uh .. 'bad faith'. Tonight's example? Clement of Alexandria in his Protrepticus ('Exhortation', 'Urging' 'Pro-Turning/Converting'): "Jupiter himself, when the of Lycaon the Arcadian, partook of a human … Continue reading Lycaon – Classical Corroborations Contra the Calumny of Clement of Alexandria Against Zeus

Further Points Upon The ‘Refraction’ Of The Sky Father – With Particular Emphasis Upon Zeus, Hades, Poseidon

I should clarify that I'm not posting this with an intent of having a go at the gentleman who'd raised the counterclaim (hence, in part, why I've anonymized his comment in the cap below) - but rather, because various of the elements in my reply might be of a broader interest (the situation as to … Continue reading Further Points Upon The ‘Refraction’ Of The Sky Father – With Particular Emphasis Upon Zeus, Hades, Poseidon

On Disregarding The Puranic Era Mythos When Seeking To Make Sense Of The (Proto-)Indo-European

Predictably, this lead to a rant. "Just that it’s not useful to use the Puranic canon for Indo-European reconstruction because they’re centuries separated from the original mythos." This is also significantly incorrect. I suppose I should explain. Consider the situation surrounding the famed progeny of Surya & Saranyu/Chhaya. Indeed, that whole myth all up. It … Continue reading On Disregarding The Puranic Era Mythos When Seeking To Make Sense Of The (Proto-)Indo-European

Arachne Contra Minerva Contra Modern Misotheism – The Tapestry Of Falsehood Torn Through !

Some days ago I had run into a rather … bemusing take on twitter (where else), which had sought to insist that "in Western myths, Gods are self-centered and egotistical, willing to punish you or even put a curse on you and get away with anything." Now, there are … several things one might say … Continue reading Arachne Contra Minerva Contra Modern Misotheism – The Tapestry Of Falsehood Torn Through !

On The Equinox War-Rites Of The Indo-Europeans – As Illuminating The Roman Quinquatria [Part One – The Goddess-Oriented War Rites Introduced]

The Spring Equinox approaches (at least, at time of writing; some weeks have passed since then) - and with it, the onset of the War Season of the archaic Indo-Europeans. Whether the Quinquatrus and Tubilustrium of the Romans, situated within their Month of Mars (mensis Martius - whence our modern name for it: 'March'); the … Continue reading On The Equinox War-Rites Of The Indo-Europeans – As Illuminating The Roman Quinquatria [Part One – The Goddess-Oriented War Rites Introduced]

Tveggi – Dyaus Dualis [Part I]

The Indo-European Sky Father is a God of Masques. Many of these are, upon the surface, quite clearly culturally specific - panoplies best-befitting for a particular Indo-European people's individuated circumstances, environs, and heritage. Yet when considered in constellation alongside their correlate co-expressions amidst other Indo-European groups, potent underpinning patternings often begin to shine through. In … Continue reading Tveggi – Dyaus Dualis [Part I]

The Divine Roadway of the Underworld – Oaths, Liminality & Law [The Indo-European Propitiation Of Persephone-Kali – Part  Four] 

In the preceding part, we had explored a most remarkable situation - attested and occurrent amidst both Hellenic and Hindu spheres - for the Goddess in relation to a certain Water of the Underworld; this (Blue-Black) pathway opening up at the behest (and, indeed, Spear) of Her Husband, the Sky Father (Hades & Shiva, respectively). … Continue reading The Divine Roadway of the Underworld – Oaths, Liminality & Law [The Indo-European Propitiation Of Persephone-Kali – Part  Four] 

The Cyan Paṭh To Tartarus Via Way Of Kashmir  [The Indo-European Propitiation Of Persephone-Kali – Part Three] 

To begin as we had earlier intended to continue - there exists a recurrent occurrence within the Indo-European both mythology and ritual praxis for the immersion of the Goddess figure. This comes in several semi-overlapping expressions, contingent upon the local requirements and developments for their mythology. For instance - we in the Hindusphere know of … Continue reading The Cyan Paṭh To Tartarus Via Way Of Kashmir  [The Indo-European Propitiation Of Persephone-Kali – Part Three] 

Sharada NavRatri – And The War Rites Of The Indo-Europeans It's currently Sharada NavRatri for we Hindus (the Nine Nights of the Goddess Durga ,  Chandika / Chamunda ) - and so therefore, a look at the observance in light of its Indo-European context. This includes the correlate Goddess-oriented War Rites undertaken by both the Romans (in the form of the Quinquatria dedicated to … Continue reading Sharada NavRatri – And The War Rites Of The Indo-Europeans