On Algiz, Alcis, Ullr, The Germanic Iteration Of Indo-European Sacred Space, And Its Dread Protector

The following was initially an exploration for what I consider to be the likely meaning for the Rune *Algiz ᛉ (beautifully illustrated there by 'Automatic Moon'), featuring discussion also upon the theology for Ullr. It then … grew rather significantly - and now seems to feature a rather expansive hypothesis viz. a 'working model' for … Continue reading On Algiz, Alcis, Ullr, The Germanic Iteration Of Indo-European Sacred Space, And Its Dread Protector

GEBO-ANSUZ : A GIFT FOR THE GOD(S) [The Indo-European Propitiation Of Persephone-Kali – Part Two]

An essential component to the Offering we had undertaken for the Goddess, Persephone - Kali, was the Weapons Sacrifice, carried out via Water. We have previously considered some of the specific characteristics to our own iteration of this - the result of the officiating Brahmin's remarkable flash of inspiration upon the subject. And I say … Continue reading GEBO-ANSUZ : A GIFT FOR THE GOD(S) [The Indo-European Propitiation Of Persephone-Kali – Part Two]

On The Three Rune Rows Of The Elder Futhark In Potential Vedic Light

A curious thought I have had this evening concerning the Three Ættir ['Clans', Sets / Rows] of the Elder Futhark. These are customarily divided based upon the first Rune in each - *Fehu , *Hagalaz, and *Tiwaz ; with these being further associated , as applies the first, with Freyr , and with some efforts … Continue reading On The Three Rune Rows Of The Elder Futhark In Potential Vedic Light