Sons Of The Sky Father – A Typological Preliminary [ Arya Akasha Arka ]

In the Heavens as it is upon Earth, Family is at the heart of everything. And, given the centrality of the Divine Family to the Indo-European mythology - an Arka ['essence', 'distillation'] post of this nature seemed a decent way to demonstrate the coterminities of a number of the salient figures involved. Now I stress … Continue reading Sons Of The Sky Father – A Typological Preliminary [ Arya Akasha Arka ]

The Black Avenging Form Of The Earth Mother And The Pursuits Of The Sky Father As Solar Horseman – A Comparative Indo-European Typological Evocation [Part Two: Surya, Saranyu And Chhaya – The Shadowy ‘Second’ Wife Of The Sky Father]

[Author's Note: This piece continues our look at a fundamentally coterminous myth of the Indo-Europeans found reasonably intact in both the Greek and the Hindu canons - wherein the Sky Father engages with a 'Darkened' form of His Consort, often in symbolically resonant animal shape. Part One examined the situation of Poseidon in pursuit of … Continue reading The Black Avenging Form Of The Earth Mother And The Pursuits Of The Sky Father As Solar Horseman – A Comparative Indo-European Typological Evocation [Part Two: Surya, Saranyu And Chhaya – The Shadowy ‘Second’ Wife Of The Sky Father]

ON THE HORSE TWINS – The Savior Sons of the Sky Father [Part 1 – Introductions, Inceptions, And Asvins]

One of the more pervasive, yet perplexing of the elements of the Indo-European mythology must surely be the Heroic Horse-Twins. Whether the Asvins / Nasatyas / Divo Napata of the Vedas, the Dioscuri of the Greeks (Castor & Pollux / Polydeuces), the Asvieniai / Dievo Suneliai of the Lithuianians, or Hengist and Horsa of the … Continue reading ON THE HORSE TWINS – The Savior Sons of the Sky Father [Part 1 – Introductions, Inceptions, And Asvins]

The Radiant Queen of the Heavens – On Scythian Tabiti As Template For The Greater Indo-European Solar Goddess [Part 2 – The Suns of the Sky Father and the Hidden Suns]

However, before we attempt to address Tabiti directly - as well as the Queen of the Heavens Indo-European deific complex for which She stands - it is first necessary to spend a bit more time sketching out the broader Solar Goddess typology of the Indo-Europeans. This is because, as it happens, there are several and … Continue reading The Radiant Queen of the Heavens – On Scythian Tabiti As Template For The Greater Indo-European Solar Goddess [Part 2 – The Suns of the Sky Father and the Hidden Suns]