A Brief (Further) Shiva – Odin Synopsis

It's been awhile since I attempted to do a … relatively succinct 'synopsis' run-through of Shiva, Odin comparanda (viz. the Indo-European Sky Father deific complex); and so, most of my reply to this gentleman's good-natured inquiry upon the subject. I really should actually sit down and i) more actively integrate the Zeus / Jupiter elements … Continue reading A Brief (Further) Shiva – Odin Synopsis

On The Sky Father As Dragon Destroyer

Something we have often had cause to make reference to is the fact that this most prominent of Indo-European mythemes, the Smiting of the Demon-Dragon, is NOT exclusive in commissioning to the Striker/Thunderer deific. But is, rather, a case of 'Like Father - Like Son'. As with, perhaps uncoincidentally, the wielding of Thunder in various … Continue reading On The Sky Father As Dragon Destroyer

Brief Points On The Relationship Between Hellenic & Hindu Astrology

Recently, we had had a few questions come in about the relationship of the Greek & Hindu astrologies.  Specifically - which bits were Indian versus which bits came in with the Hellenics that arrived under Alexander. And, in particular, whether the Nakshatras (27 / 28 'Lunar Mansions' - Star Signs) were the Indian part, whilst … Continue reading Brief Points On The Relationship Between Hellenic & Hindu Astrology

On Indo-European Solar Warfare – An Over-View

This week just gone marked Diwali (Deepavali) - the rather aptly translated 'Festival of Lights'. Which, as seemingly every once-over-lightly-for-a-Western-audience writeup seeks to swiftly remind us, exalts the 'Victory of Light over Darkness". It's a simple enough concept - and has near-infinite potential saliency (c.f., for instance the Solar Eclipse occurring in Svati immediately the … Continue reading On Indo-European Solar Warfare – An Over-View

Subsequent Comments On Sky Father Theonymy – The Baltic And Luwian Situations Briefly Considered

One of the more … frequently referred to articles we've got up upon the site is the piece discussing that lamentably frequently recurrent claim about Tyr somehow being the 'original' Germanic Sky Father, displaced subsequently by Odin. You can take a read of that here: https://aryaakasha.com/2020/07/22/dyaus-deva-deus-tyr-many-gods-one-sky-father/ Now, a few days ago we had a comment … Continue reading Subsequent Comments On Sky Father Theonymy – The Baltic And Luwian Situations Briefly Considered

In Search Of Shiva As Dyaus In Subsequent Scripture

Recently, as has often become the case, a few 'threads' converged. In this instance, around the situation Rudra (Shiva) as Sky Father - Dyaus Pitar. It always seems to come back down to theonyms. We can put forward the comparative theological evidence for how strongly Shiva adheres to the Sky Father deific complex … but … Continue reading In Search Of Shiva As Dyaus In Subsequent Scripture

The Maricis Of Lord Surya – A Solar Warrior Women Typology ?

A carved Surya from Magadha, likely about 21-22 centuries old. Now, I felt this deserved a brief commentary due to the two decidedly female figures either side of Lord Surya in the Solar Chariot. Per the Suprabedhagama and Amsumadbhedagama (manuals of Hindu iconographic depiction, inter alia) - we may find Surya flanked by Prathyusha & … Continue reading The Maricis Of Lord Surya – A Solar Warrior Women Typology ?

Response To Some Curious Krishnaite Claims On Comparative Indo-European Mythology

Several associates summoned me to respond to this post. Now, for context on what's going on here, this "Germanic Vedic Alliance" page appears to be some kind of Hare Krishna style 'outreach effort' that's targeted at the Nordic / Germanic revivalist sphere and making occasional forays into broader Indo-European spheres. I've deliberately refrained, in my … Continue reading Response To Some Curious Krishnaite Claims On Comparative Indo-European Mythology

On The Alcis Twins – The Heroic Horse-Twins Of Another Name

Our field is one wherein so often, we find fundamental contiguity of Essence - obscurated via the seeming diversity of transposed expression. So it is with the Alcis pairing. These are described in Tacitus as being akin to the Classical Castor & Pollux - the Helping Hero (Horse) twins known also variously as the Asvins … Continue reading On The Alcis Twins – The Heroic Horse-Twins Of Another Name