Ganesha Atop The Volcano Of Brahma in Indonesia [Incredible Indo-European Holy Sites Series Part VI]

For the Sixth Night of Ganesh Chaturthi – the theme of our devotional efforts on each of these nights has been that Ganesha Gets In Everywhere. So here’s Ganesh, atop an active volcano in Indonesia where it has been and been in constant use for the past 700 years.

The volcano in question is entitled Mt Bromo – which is interesting, because this is the loka-lized pronunciation for “Brahma”, a name of obvious Hindu connotation. Even despite Indonesia today being the world’s largest Muslim population – it has never lost its Hinduness, preserved not only upon Bali but also in other communities such as this. Indeed, further demonstrating just how far Ganesha Gets In Everywhere – He even features upon their banknotes.

Now, the Ganesha shrine atop Mt Bromo is there for the obvious reason – protection of the Tenggerese (the people of the area) from the volcano. However, Mt Bromo also forms a focal-point for the Yadnya Kasada observance … which I should, perhaps, return to write upon at some other time.

For now – it is enough to marvel at the ongoing saliency and active worship of Ganesha there, even amidst what might overtly appear to be rather inhospitable environs !

Jai Vinayaka !

जय जय गणपती !

One thought on “Ganesha Atop The Volcano Of Brahma in Indonesia [Incredible Indo-European Holy Sites Series Part VI]

  1. Pingback: Ganesha Atop The Volcano Of Brahma in Indonesia [Incredible Indo-European Holy Sites Series Part VI] – Glyn Hnutu-healh: History, Alchemy, and Me

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