Part IV: Romulus And Remus Reconstructed – The Sepulchral Legacy Of The Shadow-King [Section 1]

However, lest I be accused of singling the Zoroastrians out unfairly for their religious deviancy - it is important to note that such practices of 'editing' and 'updating' a foundational myth so that it might better accommodate who its people had become in the days since, was actually a recurrent feature of the Indo-European world. … Continue reading Part IV: Romulus And Remus Reconstructed – The Sepulchral Legacy Of The Shadow-King [Section 1]

The Indo-European Man – Sons of the Sun [Part III]: Zoroastrian Yima – The Death of Manu

Now, heading immediately to the west of Aryavarta, and quite likely some time later - we encounter the first 'degenerated' (or, perhaps more kindly, 'differently-emphatic') iteration of the above mythic typology. Amongst the Zoroastrians, they too have a 'Vivanhat', and a 'Yima'. Although the arrangement of facts is, in a number of particulars quite different. … Continue reading The Indo-European Man – Sons of the Sun [Part III]: Zoroastrian Yima – The Death of Manu

The Indo-European Man – Sons of the Sun [Part II]: Yama And Manu – Firstborn of the Indo-Aryans

So, with that in mind - let us take a brief look at probably the oldest Indo-European origin myth that has come down to us: the Vedic understanding, which is to my mind also the 'cleanest' and easiest to directly understand. Both due to its age, and the strong presence of pretty much all the … Continue reading The Indo-European Man – Sons of the Sun [Part II]: Yama And Manu – Firstborn of the Indo-Aryans

The Indo-European Man – Sons of the Sun [Part I – Introduction]

One of the quite literally foundational tasks of our mythology is also a simple one - to tell us who we are, and where we're from. I say 'simple', and yet it's also unutterably complex. Particularly when it comes to distinguishing ourselves from other people(s) who might happen to exist around us, and potentially have … Continue reading The Indo-European Man – Sons of the Sun [Part I – Introduction]