A Brief (Further) Shiva – Odin Synopsis

It's been awhile since I attempted to do a … relatively succinct 'synopsis' run-through of Shiva, Odin comparanda (viz. the Indo-European Sky Father deific complex); and so, most of my reply to this gentleman's good-natured inquiry upon the subject. I really should actually sit down and i) more actively integrate the Zeus / Jupiter elements … Continue reading A Brief (Further) Shiva – Odin Synopsis

Tveggi – Dyaus Dualis [Part I]

The Indo-European Sky Father is a God of Masques. Many of these are, upon the surface, quite clearly culturally specific - panoplies best-befitting for a particular Indo-European people's individuated circumstances, environs, and heritage. Yet when considered in constellation alongside their correlate co-expressions amidst other Indo-European groups, potent underpinning patternings often begin to shine through. In … Continue reading Tveggi – Dyaus Dualis [Part I]