Arachne Contra Minerva Contra Modern Misotheism – The Tapestry Of Falsehood Torn Through !

Some days ago I had run into a rather … bemusing take on twitter (where else), which had sought to insist that "in Western myths, Gods are self-centered and egotistical, willing to punish you or even put a curse on you and get away with anything." Now, there are … several things one might say … Continue reading Arachne Contra Minerva Contra Modern Misotheism – The Tapestry Of Falsehood Torn Through !

On The Equinox War-Rites Of The Indo-Europeans – As Illuminating The Roman Quinquatria [Part One – The Goddess-Oriented War Rites Introduced]

The Spring Equinox approaches (at least, at time of writing; some weeks have passed since then) - and with it, the onset of the War Season of the archaic Indo-Europeans. Whether the Quinquatrus and Tubilustrium of the Romans, situated within their Month of Mars (mensis Martius - whence our modern name for it: 'March'); the … Continue reading On The Equinox War-Rites Of The Indo-Europeans – As Illuminating The Roman Quinquatria [Part One – The Goddess-Oriented War Rites Introduced]