On Algiz, Alcis, Ullr, The Germanic Iteration Of Indo-European Sacred Space, And Its Dread Protector

The following was initially an exploration for what I consider to be the likely meaning for the Rune *Algiz ᛉ (beautifully illustrated there by 'Automatic Moon'), featuring discussion also upon the theology for Ullr. It then … grew rather significantly - and now seems to feature a rather expansive hypothesis viz. a 'working model' for … Continue reading On Algiz, Alcis, Ullr, The Germanic Iteration Of Indo-European Sacred Space, And Its Dread Protector

On The Sky Father As Dragon Destroyer

Something we have often had cause to make reference to is the fact that this most prominent of Indo-European mythemes, the Smiting of the Demon-Dragon, is NOT exclusive in commissioning to the Striker/Thunderer deific. But is, rather, a case of 'Like Father - Like Son'. As with, perhaps uncoincidentally, the wielding of Thunder in various … Continue reading On The Sky Father As Dragon Destroyer

A Thunderbolt For The Sky Father – Amidst The Burning Branches Of Demon-Smiting Lightning

It seems the most logical, natural thing in the world - and certainly, we have amply attested acknowledgement for this in and about multiple Indo-European spheres. Yet somehow , the situation of the Thunderbolt has become something of a 'cudgel' with which some have sought to 'beat' deifics such as Odin and Shiva out of … Continue reading A Thunderbolt For The Sky Father – Amidst The Burning Branches Of Demon-Smiting Lightning