On The Sky Father As Dragon Destroyer

Something we have often had cause to make reference to is the fact that this most prominent of Indo-European mythemes, the Smiting of the Demon-Dragon, is NOT exclusive in commissioning to the Striker/Thunderer deific. But is, rather, a case of 'Like Father - Like Son'. As with, perhaps uncoincidentally, the wielding of Thunder in various … Continue reading On The Sky Father As Dragon Destroyer

A Thunderbolt For The Sky Father – Amidst The Burning Branches Of Demon-Smiting Lightning

It seems the most logical, natural thing in the world - and certainly, we have amply attested acknowledgement for this in and about multiple Indo-European spheres. Yet somehow , the situation of the Thunderbolt has become something of a 'cudgel' with which some have sought to 'beat' deifics such as Odin and Shiva out of … Continue reading A Thunderbolt For The Sky Father – Amidst The Burning Branches Of Demon-Smiting Lightning